The proverbial saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” is so true when we examine the substantial gap between our intentions and our behaviour. You know that you want to look and feel fitter and healthier. You know that you will feel better after a workout, yet you just can't bridge the gap between lying in bed thinking about exercise and actually doing it. One of the key challenges is that many people have not embraced exercise as a lifestyle practice. It is seen, for example, as a short-term commitment to lose weight or a chore because it was part of the doctor’s prescription and so for these and other valid reasons a.k.a “excuses”, is readily pushed off your schedule. The moral of the proverb is that “Knowing what is good for you and wanting to do it, is not sufficient to make sustainable behaviour changes”.
What's stopping you from breaking the exercise barrier? Time? Don’t know how to? Too tired? Its too hot, cold or raining? Is it a lack of motivation? Whatever is hampering you these tips may help you to move past the barrier:
Change your perspective - Shift your thinking from the couch potato mentality to getting active and staying active. This may sound like a big challenge, but it’s not as big a leap as you think. Change is challenging, but the objective is to just get moving and be consistent
Schedule a regular workout time- Some of the most committed exercisers do it daily before the sun comes up or late at night when the kids are in bed. Build into your weekly schedule an hour each day to be good to your body. Treat your exercise time like you would any other appointment
Eat Healthy- You must eat a healthy diet to maintain a good fitness program. Your body needs healthy foods (water, fruits, vegetables, protein, etc. Don’t forget the Healthy Plate!) in order to properly receive the benefits of exercise
Think fun and variety- By nature, humans need change and variety to stay motivated. You also need to have fun-even while we’re working hard. Do both!
Get Support- Remember you don’t have to do it alone, enlist a friend or personal trainer who will give you that extra push that you sometimes need to remain focused
I implore you-take this article to heart. Let it be a catalyst. Your spirit, body and mind will be happy as you set yourself up for a lifetime of better health, more happiness, and more energy for everything else in your life.
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