Saturday, 27 June 2015

Homosexuality Is An ABOMINATION In God's Eyes

image adapted from

Today, the Supreme Court in Washington declared that same-sex couples have a right to marry anywhere in the USA.
Several years ago the BIBLE declared that homosexuality is an abomination, a detestable sin. Whenever marriage was mentioned in the Bible, it was between a male and a female. So who gave mankind the right to mess with the institution of God's prototype?
This move of the Washington Supreme Court should not be applauded as it is a perversion against the institution of marriage. Let us take our stand for truth!

Sunday, 21 June 2015

What Is Wellness?

The concept of total wellness recognizes that our every thought, word and behaviour affects our greater health and well-being.  And we, in turn, are affected not only emotionally but also physically and spiritually (Greg Anderson)

The World Health Organization defines “wellness” as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."  The National Wellness Institute defines wellness as “a conscious, self-directed and evolving 
process of achieving full potential." 

The BIBLE does not mention the word “wellness” 
but the following is what I learnt from what it says.   God’s desire is for us to achieve wellness in every aspect of our life. 

This can only happen when the spiritual, emotional and physical components are working together as God intended for mankind to function-as a whole being.    He wants us to experience the Fruit of the  Spirit and be free from worry and stress in daily living.  He wants us to be healthy and free from sickness and disease but more importantly, He wants us to know Him intimately, worship Him and spend eternity with Him. 
Now that is true wellness!

The Amazing Power Of The Pomegranate

Almost every house I visited or passed by in recent times has pomegranate trees growing at the front, side or back of the house.   Apart from my desire to pick and eat the fruit, there is the lingering question as to if the householders are aware of the powerful health benefits of the fruit they have grown or if the tree with its colorful fruit is just an attractive ornamental.

Not only is the pomegranate packed with beneficial vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, clinical studies also show that the pomegranate has an expansive list of health benefits for the human cardiovascular, nervous, and skeletal system. Here are a few:
  • Pomegranates are known for their impressive antioxidant levels. Antioxidants, commonly found in fruits, nuts and vegetables, counteract the damaging effects of oxidation on cells
  • They are filled with manganese which helps to form bone structures during the metabolic process and potassium that helps to maintain cellular functions and balance fluid levels
  • They contain notable amounts of vitamins C and K, essential for the immune system and blood clotting, respectively. They also contain potassium which plays a role in nerve conduction, muscle control and blood pressure regulation
Both the pomegranate seeds and the surrounding pulp are edible and nutritious, so why not boost your health the natural way and consume the fruit in its whole form?   It can help to:
  • Control body weight
  • Fight against cell damage and helps to slow aging
  • Inhibit viral infections
  • Lower cholesterol and other cardiac risk factors
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Control cartilage degeneration to prevent osteoarthritis
  • Decrease the risk of impotency
This is one fruit that you can't afford to exclude from your diet but please consider these tips:  

  • To purchase the best-quality pomegranates, select those which are heavy for their size, with vibrant, unblemished skin
  • When buying pomegranate juice, look for 100-percent pomegranate juice with no added sugar

The information provided here is for strictly informational and educational purposes only and should not be used for treating a health problem or disease. If you believe you have a medical condition or problem contact your health care provider.