Saturday, 14 November 2015


On September 25, 2015, some of my work colleagues from across varying business segments, within Barbados, accepted the Meatless Monday and Friday Challenge.  Of course before they jumped on the bandwagon, they took me through minutes of grueling questioning such as: 
·         What prize will I get?
At the end of the challenge, the most consistent participants and those who made the effort some of the weeks were awarded Certificates Of Participation.   However, their greatest prize was taking responsibility for improving their eating habits and focusing on “Your Health and You”.  Kudos to all of them!
·         Why Monday and Friday? That is too hard!
Yes, I knew that going meatless on Mondays and Fridays would be quite a challenge as Friday marks the beginning of a weekend when most unhealthy eating habits prevail. Monday was the supplementary day to replace the unhealthy weekend habits with healthier dietary choices
·         Who not me, you can’t get me to stop eating my meat!
The intent was not to convert vegans.  Going meatless twice weekly was one simple tool to help people incorporate healthier alternatives to meat into their diets.  And it did just that as per the following feedback from one of the participants: “The Meatless Monday and Friday challenge was an experience for me over the five week period. It is a good health initiative to assist persons like me in using less meat with my meals on a weekly basis. The challenge allows me to find other options to eat alternative healthy meals”
So after the whining and a simple explanation that it was a small sacrifice in exchange for better dietary habits and improved health, we eventually got off the mark.  What was intended to be a 4-week challenge became 5-weeks of incorporating new or even overlooked foods back into their diets.  Most of the participants ate more vegetables, fruits, ground provisions and peas and less processed and fast-foods.  Planning and preparing meals in advance was a simple demonstration of their determination and commitment to eating well.  During the Meatless Challenge, it was difficult not to notice the improvement in employee morale and the supportive attitude one towards another. Laughter was more prominent and it was refreshing to hear my colleagues engaging in conversations other than work.  
The majority of the average person’s protein comes from meat and animal products, which provides additional saturated fat and often not the same nutritional benefits as other plant-based proteins.  I have observed many of colleagues eating habits and in most cases consist of fried, processed meats or untrimmed fat from the meat.  This excess intake of fat and fatty foods is linked to obesity and chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD’s) such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers e.g colon cancer. Saturated fats and trans fats are especially harmful because they can raise blood cholesterol levels, which can cause heart attacks and strokes.  In majority of cases, these non-communicable diseases result from unhealthy eating, poor lifestyle choices and even inadequate physical activity.  In essence, most of these cases are preventable.  Let me say it again, our population is being robbed of good health, and even life, by a handful of diseases that can be prevented.  If nothing else worked before to motivate you to make positive dietary changes, then the thought of increasing the risk of death should hopefully do the trick. 

We need to turn things around-to change poor dietary behaviors, to exchange bad habits for good ones.  The following is a simple guide to help you in choosing healthier dietary options:

So go ahead, jump on the meatless bandwagon…you too can take the ride for better dietary habits  and a healthier you as my work colleagues did.  


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Its Your Health– Take control now!

In September 2015, I started a 6-Week Healthy You Challenge as a fun way to encourage participants to embrace healthier lifestyle choices.  Sonia  and 14 others accepted the challenge which was built on the four pillars of health (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition) and are making great progress.   

Following is Sonia Gary's story:

Although I made additional lifestyle changes to improve my health before and even more so after open heart surgery three years ago, I tend to regress a bit. I therefore thank God for Pamela and her invitation to be a part of The Six Week “Healthy You” Challenge, because it came just when I needed it. You see despite my health challenges over the years, my blood pressure always remained normal.  However, it started to be borderline and sometimes (which raised a lot of red flags for me) high causing headaches, so I realised I had to make some changes and stick to them, as my life depended on it!! I made a start but was not consistent especially with my exercise plan.

Being a part of The Six Week “Healthy You” Challenge has given me the boost I needed to make those changes and stick to them!!!  I now exercise regularly, eat healthier, cleanse my mind daily and I feel so empowered by being in control again.  My blood pressure is either normal or borderline (as I know I still have work to do) and I began to lose those pounds I needed to lose.  I have gotten back the discipline I need to continue making and sticking to my lifestyle changes.  Ladies of the group I know you do not know how much you have impacted my life but I thank you.  My special and dear friend Pamela I thank you for continuing to be that priceless diamond in my life.

Be smart and make (L.E.A.N- Lifestyle.Exercise.Attitude.Nutrition)  choices today, they can change your tomorrow!  OR  save a life by helping someone else get on the road to good health!


With the changing nature of work occurring at whirlwind speed, our ability to cope with these changes can mean the difference between a healthy job and job burnout. For most employees, stress is spiralling out of control, with many in danger of completely burning out.

Negative stress has become so ingrained in our daily work activities that we seem to have embraced the early warning signs as normal and acceptable. When we continue to ignore these warning signs, the stage is set for a “perfect storm” of health challenges, especially, cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, psychological disorders. Sadly, those employees with the combination of chronic stress and non-communicable diseases are more at risk of early death or having a heart attack. However, this does not mean you are powerless or need to make major career changes but rather to focus on managing the one thing that is always within your control: YOU. 

Stress is not always negative though, as it can be used as a motivational tool for some employees to perform under pressure. Unfortunately for many employees, the concept of work stress is often confused with “job challenge” and in some cases just an excuse for bad management practices. Have you noticed that when you are challenged in your job, you tend to become more energized, psychologically and physically and are motivated to learn new skills and master your job? When the challenge is met, you feel relaxed and satisfied and it becomes a necessary ingredient for healthy and productive work. This is the type of challenge which people refer to when they say “a little bit of stress is good for you”. For some employees, the challenge is turned into work demands that become excessive or unmanageable and leads to job burnout. The result is that relaxation turns to exhaustion and a sense of satisfaction becomes a sense of frustration. The latter does not have to be your fate, like it was mine, if you become aware of your stressors and choose to take active steps to either eliminate the stressor or learn to manage them. In this very real and unfair world we live in-you must take responsibility for yourself and your reactions to the stressors you encounter.

If you are experiencing any of these early signs of work-related stress: poor concentration, decreased memory, constant fatigue, sleep disturbances, a weakened immune system or increased frequency of headaches, it is time to take action. I implore you ...take action NOW!

Here are a few tips to help you take back your control and manage your stress— before you manage to ruin your health!

Find the “Off” button- Have a time each night when you turn off your phones and gadgets. This will allow your body to fully “unplug” from the day’s stressors. This also means that while at lunch—just focus on eating lunch or chatting with your friends—don’t spend lunch texting or checking emails.

Build gap time into your day- This is a short break (two-minutes) where you ask yourself “How am I doing?” It’s a moment to relax, breathe and focus on how your body feels— are there any tense spots? Most people hold tension in their forehead, jaw and shoulders. Relax. Breathe was the best advice my Pilates instructor gave me to help manage potentially stressful situations….and it works!

Regular exercise is a powerful stress reliever—even though it may be the last thing you feel like doing. Exercise is not optional when it comes to rebuilding and maintaining superior levels of heath. It is highly effective in helping to lift your mood, increase energy, sharpen focus, and relaxing both the spirit, mind and body.

How much do you know about stress? visit the link below and take the simple quiz provided by the American Psychological Association to test your "stress smarts." 

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Chronic Stress: A Recipe For Adrenal Fatigue

image adapted from rejuvenateyourlife

Have you ever reached the point where you have simply had enough and you feel you are struggling to keep up with life and all its demands? Or that everything is just getting too much for you? If you have, you have experienced STRESS! But you are not alone.  Everyone experiences some form of stress or another, whether physical, emotional, psychological or environmental. The easy, relaxed lifestyle experienced by our fore-parents, no longer exists and we are not even aware of how much stress we are undergoing. The problem? "Our lifestyles have changed, but our bodies have not”.  A very interesting fact that I recently found out, from discussions with  professionals in the Alternative Medicine field, is that there are also hidden forms of stress such as inflammation or infections and food allergies…hmmm!

Above the kidneys are these small organs called the adrenal glands, which are no larger than a walnut and weigh no more than a grape and which are responsible for one of the very important functions in the human body: managing your body's responses to every form of stress. The adrenal glands secrete more than 50 hormones necessary for human life including cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), progesterone and testosterone.  As the manufacturer of the stress hormones or “adrenaline,” these are also the first glands to fail during prolonged or intense periods of stress. The problem with stressors is that they are "cumulative," in the sense that their impact tends to build up in the body over time until your adrenal glands (and probably your mental state) just can't take anymore and you experience what is called ADRENAL FATIGUEI have heard many stories, and can share my own, of people who were going through major difficult periods in life such as death of a loved one, financial stress or  relationship issues but managed to continue to stay functional and fairly calm.  Then one day said person experiences a flat tyre and burst into uncontrollable tears and you as a passer-by are thinking to yourself, Is that person really crying over a flat tyre, when there are other people in life with real capital P-problems?! Ta-da! In the latter scenario, it could simply be that one added load of stress which broke the camel’s back.  Unfortunately, when the adrenal glands cannot deal with the cumulative stress, some people may experience what is traditionally known as a nervous breakdown (this is called adrenal fatigue), or other serious health problems including fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, arthritis etc, while others commit suicide and we wonder what brought them to that point. 

Adrenal fatigue used to be rare but is now all too common because of our lack of relaxation and other poor lifestyle habits such as smoking, sleep deprivation, eating, lack of exercise and excessive caffeine intake.  Unhealthy responses to stress are another cause of adrenal fatigue.  These include habits of worrying, becoming angry or afraid.  My grandmother knew the prescription for avoiding adrenal fatigue as she would sit daily in her veranda and tap her feet while singing or humming the lyrics to “What a friend we have in Jesus”.  Allow me to share these few lines with you “Are we weak and heavy-laden, cumbered with a load of care?  Precious Saviour, still our refuge– Take it to the Lord in prayer.  With this as her mantra, she lived to age 93 and so I will be taking a leaf from the old girl’s book with a plan to outlive her:-)  Optimal adrenal health is one of the major keys to the enjoyment of life.  If you think that you may have adrenal fatigue, you can begin to take back your life by making the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes.  If you want to avoid adrenal fatigue then Why worry? Be happy!

Friday, 14 August 2015

The pH Factor – The Key To Good Health

Reclaiming The Inner Terrain

Do you know that besides the body’s temperature, there is another biological variable which helps to govern the efficiency of all bio-systems (such as circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary) within the body? In chemistry it is called “pH” and is the abbreviation for “Potential Hydrogen. Hydrogen is the element that measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution and ranges from 0 to 14, with seven being neutral. Below 7 becomes increasingly acidic, above 7 increasingly alkaline.

As with most health-related barometers, balance is everything. If there is an imbalance in our body’s pH levels for prolonged periods, it can negatively affect our health. This imbalance is what I call the “silent killer” and virtually becomes the seedbed upon which chronic non-communicable diseases begin to develop. Prior to beginning my wellness journey, I was oblivious to the importance the pH factor plays in health. However, my overall well-being started to change when I started to connect the dots between pH balance, what I was eating and drinking and every thought and emotion I had. Homeopaths/Alternative Medicine professionals have been preaching, continuously, that “disease can only grow in an acidic medium”. Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear! You cannot eat whatever you want that may be negative from a nutritional perspective and expect to have good health. Unhealthy foods such as processed and fast foods make the body a favourable seedbed for the growth of bacteria, yeast, fungus, mold, viruses and other unwanted organisms. As we continue poor dietary habits, the more acidic the blood becomes and overtime the closer we get to death :-( Prevention Is Still Better Than Cure and so our goal should be to eat well nutritionally so that we can maintain good blood (alkaline-which is the body’s natural biochemical balance). Not only does poor nutrition make your body’s pH levels imbalance, emotions such as anger, hate, sadness, despair, and loneliness can also change your body chemistry. Negative emotions tend to bring an acidic imbalance whereas, positive emotions, such as love tend to make your body pH alkaline.

Are your dietary and lifestyle choices helping or hurting you? Following are some tips to help you along your journey of restoring the correct balance in the body:

 Drink warm water with Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar or a squeeze of lemon/lime first thing in the morning. Try to avoid coffee, sodas and diet carbonated beverages

 Eat plenty of berries (strawberries, cranberries, blueberries etc). Some fruits are acid forming so choose your fruits carefully

 The best alkalising foods are green vegetables, mainly due to their chlorophyll (green pigment) content. Include plenty of vegetables (raw as much as possible) in your diet

 Drink plenty of pure water and fresh green coconut water. A word of caution: Natural coconut water does not have a long shelf life so those packaged with a shelf life of 3-6 months contains preservatives and should be avoided

 Eliminate the negative self-thoughts. Even if positive thinking does not come naturally to you, improved health should be a major motivator in making some lifestyle adjustments– NOW!

 Check your pH levels by purchasing a pH test kit from your pharmacy or health store. Upon rising on mornings, urinate on the strip/litmus paper and it will tell you instantly what your pH is, whether acid/alkaline

If you are not living a life that creates health, then you are living a life that creates disease!

Monday, 27 July 2015

Food Choices To Help Improve Your Health

When I saw the foods that look like the body parts they are good for, the statement made by Hippocrates “let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.” automatically came back to my memory.  Nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining good health and it is very sad many people ignore what they eat as one of the culprits of disease or the catalyst to health and longevity. 

I thought this was rather amazing... foods that actually look like the body parts they are good for!!!

1)  Grapefruit – Breast

Grapefruit, oranges, and other citrus fruits resemble female mammary glands and help the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts!  According to Dr. Moulavi, “Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer in lab animals and in human breast cells.”

2)  Walnut – Brain

Walnuts have a striking resemblance to the human brain,  and have been recognized as one of the ultimate brain foods. Walnuts are a good source of omega-3, and have more antioxidants, folic acid (vitamin B9), and vitamin E than any other nut.  It is important to properly soak and rinse walnuts (as well as most other nuts) to remove phytates and activate enzymes for optimal nutrient absorption.

3)  Carrot – Eye

It is clear that a sliced carrot resembles an eye, it even has patterns of radiating lines that look just like the pupil and iris!  
Beta-carotene (what gives carrots their vibrant orange colour) helps to maintain healthy eyesight, protects against macular degeneration, and the development of cataracts.

4)  Celery – Bone

A stalk of celery resembles a bone, and they’re good for bones too.  Celery contains silicon, which is part of what gives bones their strength.  Here’s an astonishing fact: bones are 23% sodium, and celery is also 23% sodium.

5)  Tomato – Heart

Tomatoes resemble the heart more than any other fruit,  and they are loaded with lycopene which has been referred to as heart and blood food.  The consumption of lycopene has been proven to help reduce the risk of heart disease.  Tomatoes are also a great source of Vitamin C which is crucial for heart health!

6)  Mushroom – Ear

A sliced mushroom has the shape and resemblance of a human ear,  and mushrooms are good for ear health!   They are a great source of vitamin D, which is essential for preventing hearing loss.  

7)  Avocado – Uterus

Avocados are shaped like the uterus and cervix, and avocados have been shown to balance hormones and prevent cervical cancer!  And guess what?  Just as it takes exactly 9 months for a baby to fully develop in the womb, it takes an avocado exactly 9 months to grow from a blossom into a ripened fruit!

8)  Ginger – Stomach

Ginger looks like the stomach and aids in digestion!  Ginger has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for stomach health.  Gingerol, the ingredient that gives ginger it’s strong scent and taste, is listed in the USDA database of phytochemicals as having the ability to prevent nausea and vomiting.

9)  Grapes – Lungs

Grapes, especially heirloom concord grapes, resemble the alveoli of the lungs.   The alveoli of the lungs allow oxygen to pass from the lungs to the bloodstream.  A diet high in fresh grapes has shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer!  Grape seeds also contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin, which can reduce the severity of allergy-triggered asthma.

10)  Sweet Potato – Pancreas

A sweet potato has a striking resemblance to the pancreas, and has been shown to help the pancreas do its job by helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Sweet potatoes are also naturally high in Vitamin B6,  which
studies have shown inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer!
It was also interesting to learn that these foods are also on the list of alkaline foods.  Following an Alkaline Diet will help your body restore its pH levels and maintain your health and well being.   My next article will focus on how you can restore the pH balance in your body and help to prevent disease.  
******Always remember to consult with Health Care Provider for advise before trying new diets, exercise programs etc.******

Friday, 17 July 2015

Breaking The Exercise Barrier

Getting motivated to exercise is always easy when you're planning it for the future. That early morning workout is just what you need to get back on track. You may even be excited about it...right up until the alarm goes off and you actually have to follow through. It's then you realize that all those things that motivated you are suddenly nowhere to be found. However, with the growing concern regarding the escalation in chronic non-communicable diseases, improving health and preventing disease are two very good reasons every individual should get involved in some form of regular physical activity. The health benefits are truly hard to ignore and are yours for the taking regardless of your age, gender or physical ability.

The proverbial saying “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” is so true when we examine the substantial gap between our intentions and our behaviour. You know that you want to look and feel fitter and healthier. You know that you will feel better after a workout, yet you just can't bridge the gap between lying in bed thinking about exercise and actually doing it. One of the key challenges is that many people have not embraced exercise as a lifestyle practice. It is seen, for example, as a short-term commitment to lose weight or a chore because it was part of the doctor’s prescription and so for these and other valid reasons a.k.a “excuses”, is readily pushed off your schedule. The moral of the proverb is that “Knowing what is good for you and wanting to do it, is not sufficient to make sustainable behaviour changes”.

What's stopping you from breaking the exercise barrier? Time? Don’t know how to? Too tired? Its too hot, cold or raining? Is it a lack of motivation? Whatever is hampering you these tips may help you to move past the barrier:

Change your perspective - Shift your thinking from the couch potato mentality to getting active and staying active. This may sound like a big challenge, but it’s not as big a leap as you think. Change is challenging, but the objective is to just get moving and be consistent

Schedule a regular workout time- Some of the most committed exercisers do it daily before the sun comes up or late at night when the kids are in bed. Build into your weekly schedule an hour each day to be good to your body. Treat your exercise time like you would any other appointment

Eat Healthy- You must eat a healthy diet to maintain a good fitness program. Your body needs healthy foods (water, fruits, vegetables, protein, etc. Don’t forget the Healthy Plate!) in order to properly receive the benefits of exercise

Think fun and variety- By nature, humans need change and variety to stay motivated. You also need to have fun-even while we’re working hard. Do both!

Get Support- Remember you don’t have to do it alone, enlist a friend or personal trainer who will give you that extra push that you sometimes need to remain focused

I implore you-take this article to heart. Let it be a catalyst. Your spirit, body and mind will be happy as you set yourself up for a lifetime of better health, more happiness, and more energy for everything else in your life.